Before, During, and After Reading Tool
Before you read, ask yourself these questions:
-Jot down your responses below the questions
§ What is this going to be about?
§ What do I already know about this topic?
§ What’s my purpose for reading this?
During your reading, ask yourself these questions:
- Choose a couple places at appropriate transitions
- Jot down your responses on this sheet or throughout the excerpt you have printed out
§ What do I think the next part is going to be about?
§ Was I right or wrong?
§ What else do I want to know about this topic?
As you are reading use the following guide to notate the article:
- Underline anything that you consider to be a strong point
- Place a question mark beside anything that troubles you because of lack of understanding or beside anything that you might question because of content
- Make notes to the author in the margins. Voice your opinion on the statements made by the author or ask him/her a question
After reading, ask yourself the following questions:
§ What did the article tell me about?
§ What did I have to figure out?
§ What else to I want to know about this topic
Also, take a few minutes to reflect on then write out your responses to the questions below:
o If you have taught, which of those models do you feel has influenced your teaching?
o If you never taught, which approach do you feel would most influence your teaching and why?
o How do you believe knowing the information in this article will affect your teaching of reading?
I love the part about how to notate an article. Thanks for sharing!